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ultiple roles available for a specific upcoming productions and dozens more for other productions being done by a respectful and high quality studio.

—Roles Available:—

Lead: appearing to be aged in the 40’s, a hyper-vigilant, intelligent, paranoid.
Neighbour: appearing to be aged in the 30’s, cheerful neighbour.

Senior 1: appearing to be late 60’s or early 70’s. Slightly physically frail, but still able to go on long walks with a cane or stroller. Mentally alert, confident, and friendly.

Senior 2: older than senior 1. Mentally alert and not physically frail.

Little Girl: appearing to be aged around 11-13 years old. Innocent, perhaps pigtails, the kind that would ride a pink bicycle with tassels.

Other Roles: please note that we have many dozens of other parts coming up in other projects, we welcome all actors or performers to get on our list for the other roles.

Ethnic Groups: We will be filming multiple versions of this story with different ethnicities. At a minimum, one family will be Caucasian with neutral American accents, one Hispanic with Hispanic-American accents, and there is a good chance we will end up with additional versions. We encourage all ethnic groups to apply.


This is a 90 second short story (comedy), with a commercial purpose, written and produced directly by Pleasant Studios.
Most parts have spoken lines.
For examples of our awesome previous short stories, see

Casting will be contact-less, and done at significant distances (at least double the requirement). We will accommodate additional concerns. If weather permits, it may be done outdoors.
For selected actors, some roles can be filmed at distances. Some roles require close proximity to one other actor.
If covid counts are elevated at time of filming, we may take additional measures for everyone’s safety.
In short, we are taking covid very seriously.


All roles are paid. Reasonable travel costs would be covered.
Filming will be in Edmonton, and consisting of 1 day in July.
Auditions will be held both via video-conference and live in Edmonton in late June or early July.

—About The Work Environment:—

Friendly, non-threatening, and non-political environment.
We are a great environment for both outgoing people and those who are very shy and introverted (so long as it fits the part).
Auditions are done efficiently, performers can expect very short wait times at auditions, aiming for less than 15 minutes.
Seating available before audition, no standing line-ups.
Typically auditions will be done in front of a green-screen with cameras running.
Our productions are typically scripted by our own full-time professional writers and video edited by our own full-time, professional editors.
Many productions are in the studio and green-screen, but some shoots will be on-location.


What do you have to lose by exploring the possibility? Applying does not take long and we keep your application confidential (never disclosed to existing employer).
Apply online today at
Even if you don’t have your resume updated or ready to go, apply anyways, we want to hear from you!
Please do not apply via email, apply only by visiting the site.

City or Location of call: Edmonton, AB
Please submit to: by 2020-07-15



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